About us

Have you ever wondered about your purpose in life? 
Felt a void or that something is missing?
Are you experiencing the full life that our Lord Jesus Christ has to offer and wants for you?

Have you ever wondered about your purpose in life? Or maybe you’ve felt a void or that something was missing? Are you experiencing the full life that our Lord Jesus Christ has to offer and wants for you? Our prayer is that you will know Him in a personal way. We invite you to navigate our site and explore opportunities to find purpose and meaning in your life through Christ Jesus.

People like you are discovering their new beginning in every area of life: spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and in their relationships. This is a place where your full potential can be achieved. We pray that this site will be informative and life-changing for you and share Our Vision. If you are ever in Atlantic Highlands, we invite you to stop by and visit us. We would love to shake your hand in person. If you live in town, come out and see us sometime. You are always welcome. We are conveniently located on Rte—36 North between 7th and 3rd Avenues in Atlantic Highlands. Come and join us. We would love to meet you.